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Mostra Elas is a platform for visibility, valorization, training, and diffusion of works by Brazilian female directors in the creative industries, conceived by Giro Planejamento Cultural. With this purpose, the company has been developing actions with guidelines for promotion, professionalization, content creation, and market promotion, aimed at women, transgender and non-binary people.

The platform’s first initiative was the project “Mostra Elas – Films Directed by Women”, held in 2017 in Salvador, which included a cinema showcase of films directed by women, with film screenings, talks with the female directors, consultancies, scriptwriting workshops, debate tables, and musical performances.

Partners: Luciana Lemos and Emanuella Leite 
Actions: Films Screening, Talks with Directors, Screenwriting Workshop, Debate Tables, and Screenwriting Consultancies (2017)
Service Provided: Idealization, Catchment, Production, and Financial Management
Funding: Secretary of Culture of Bahia


Mostra Elas is a platform for visibility, valorization, training, and diffusion of works by Brazilian female directors in the creative industries, conceived by Giro Planejamento Cultural. With this purpose, the company has been developing actions with guidelines for promotion, professionalization, content creation, and market promotion, aimed at women, transgender and non-binary people.

The second initiative of the platform was held in 2021, this time online, focused on Formative Actions for the audiovisual industry: besides 13 workshops and 6 script consultancies, the platform promoted 5 live debates and a mapping, at Mostra Elas Platform, by professional women in the audiovisual industry in Bahia.

Actions: MOSTRA ELAS – FORMATIVE ACTIONS: 13 Workshops, 6 Script Consultancies, 5 Live Debates, Mapping Elas in Audiovisual (2021)
Service Provided: Idealization, Catchment, Production, and Financial Management
Funding: Secretary of Culture of Bahia


Sons e Imagens da Bahia was created to be the cradle of future audiovisual professionals’ careers in the state. The project, focused on students from the state school system, promoted two cycles of audiovisual workshops for free, with a total of 280 vacancies offered to young students from different cities in the state of Bahia. In parallel, there were lectures, fairs on several themes, and a release session for the films produced. The project is an achievement of the Society for the Promotion of the House of Oswaldo Cruz in partnership with Fiocruz Bahia and Giro Planejamento Cultural, besides doing the production, also assumes the pedagogical coordination of Sons and Imagens da Bahia.

Partner: SPCOC and Fiocruz Bahia
Actions: Realization of training actions in the area of audiovisual production for young students from the state school system of Bahia.
Service Provided: Production and Pedagogical Coordination 
Funding: Special Secretary of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and Federal Government.


Introductory course to animated cinema language aimed at children. The training took place parallel to the production process of a 5-minute animated short, using the Stop Motion technique. The course was for free and aimed at 30 children, between 10 and 11 years old, students from the São Vicente municipal school, located in the village of Diogo, Bahia. As a result of the project, the short film “The Mystery of Straw”.

Partner: Gabriela Leite (BA/France)
Actions: Realization of a Workshop of Animation for Children and production of the Animation short film “The Mystery of Straw”
Service Provided: Catchment, Production, and Financial Management 
Funding: Department of Culture of the State of Bahia


The exhibition ‘alô alô mundo! invention cinemas in the 1968 generation’ was held between January 10 and 22, 2017, at Caixa Cultural in Rio de Janeiro. It included 14 Brazilian films produced between 1968 and 1982; and 13 Spanish films made between 1968 and 1981, which have in common the fact that they are avant-garde and politically militant films, which also bring, in their essence, practices of disruption and revolution.

Curators: Paola Marugán and Marc Martínez (Spain)
Actions: Film Show (2017)
Service Provided: Catchment, Production, and Financial Management
Funding: Caixa Cultural